Sunday, May 4, 2008


About a week and a half ago I took the kids to the zoo with some friends. I usually make the kids walk the whole time, and push Ashley in the stroller. Colby was wearing some cheap-o Walmart version of Crocs that were a couple weeks old. At the end of the zoo trip we ended up at the Tot Lot in the playground, which is a padded, enclosed area for bouncing and jumping for toddlers (Colby loves it).
You have to take your shoes off and store them in cubbies, which is when I noticed that Colby had a pretty bad blister on his foot. So when it was time to go I threw his shoes in the stroller and carried him out to the car.

A few days later when I thought he'd healed sufficiently, I grabbed his shoes out of the van and put them on him, only to realize his feet had shrunk! As he's shuffling his feet in shoes two sizes too big I think back, trying to figure out what happened. That's when I realized that I grabbed the wrong shoes at the Tot Lot! Some poor kid got left with cheap-o Crocks, two sizes too small, with holes in the toes (see Pooh-Car post below), while we have a real set of Crocs in good condition for next summer!

I feel bad. I called the zoo and they took my information in case somebody calls about it. Perhaps some mother has written an irate blog about how somebody stole her son's shoes at the zoo. If you happen to read such a blog, let me know and I will gladly exchange back.


Ruth said...

Oh, that is so funny! Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose? ;>

Kerilee Law said...

How funny. Something we all could have done.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is too funny! And how you lucked out because of your mistake!

Alicia said...

That's really funny. All your pictures are so fun! I'm behind! I'd like to go Princess Camping. And [be able to] run a 1/2 marathon.