Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Driveway Races

This is what Bryan and the kids have been doing lately when the weather has been nice.

I only agreed to let him take Ashley with him after he assured me it was safe. That was before I saw the following video, which was taken earlier when Ashley and I were still inside.



Ruth said...

That's hilarious! Dad's can be such daredevils. It seems like maybe your life is getting a little more organized now? I'm glad you are posting more often. It's fun to see your kids in action.

Kristen said...

Congratulations on your new baby! It will be fun to hear what you guys are up to on your blog. :)
- The Case's

Kerilee Law said...

Silly Bryan!

Artax said...

While I'm leaving comments... I loved this post. I watched the movies a couple times then showed them to Tim and to Jonathan. I'm still laughing a few weeks later.