Monday, December 13, 2010

Medium Bob

"Little Bob" was born in January:

He's grown up this year.  He's made it to "Medium Bob" status (yes, he's outgrown his hat):

It snowed, therefore school was canceled.  We tried to take advantage of it with snowman pancakes, playing in the snow, listening to Christmas music, making Christmas cards, making Christmas treats, reading Christmas stories, and in general making a disaster throughout the house.  Now, two hours after the kids are in bed, it is somewhat less of a disaster and I'm ready for bed.  I'm thankful school is back on for tomorrow.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Santa's Lap

The curious.

The cooperative.

The cowardly.
Bryan literally had teeth marks on his shoulder.
And you could probably hear her scream on the far side of the library.
We're such cruel parents.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dreams and other random tidbits

After blogging about this picture recently

my Dad emailed me this:

"After I saw those photos I had a very strange dream last night that your children accompanied me on my travel to work and I couldn’t wake them up between flights but had to cart them around like carry on luggage.  They stayed asleep all during the travel, but they were so limp they kept falling out of their seats and I was admonished by the stewardess to keep my grandchildren off the floor in the aisles.  Because I had to keep moving from one to the other to put them back into their seats I never got any sleep myself.  Good thing because when the terrorist sprang from his seat to cause havoc I assisted the sky marshal in subduing him and the kiddies missed the whole thing.

Very strange.  I never remember any of my dreams but I woke up from that one thinking it had been real and wondered where I put all the children."

Today during lunch Colby said something to the effect of...

"Last night I dreamed that my foot was really, really big and it stretched all the way to Grandma's chair at Grandma's house."

Then this afternoon he was "helping" me shape bread dough into loaves.  I let him do a small loaf on his own and he wanted to do more.  I told him I would do the rest because they were bigger loaf pans so you need bigger hands.  He said, "No I want to!  I can have big hands!!"

What a cute, big footed, big handed boy.

(I love the bright red bushes in my backyard during the fall!)

And lastly, doing laundry is just so much more enjoyable with this guy for company.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Sadim Touch

Years ago while driving my parents huge van, the A/C stopped working.

Later when we owned their old Mitsubishi, the A/C stopped working (as well as several other problems).

Later when we owned their old Chrysler mini-van, the engine, transmission, door handles, window, etc. all broke (and the A/C at one point).

Hours after we drove our new Honda Odyssey off the lot, we hear a noise in the engine, and learned it needed a new engine.

Now our friend whose Pilot we just returned after borrowing it for three weeks while our Odyssey was in the shop informs us there is a grinding noise in his brakes.

What is the opposite of Midas touch?  The Sadim Touch.  And we have it when it comes to cars.  Everything we touch... breaks.

Don't you want to let us drive your car?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

1:00 Church means...

...very late naps.   

Dallin likes the Sunday newspaper as much as his Dad. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Why is it...?

Why is it that after kids struggle and struggle for independence and finally achieve it in some area, they want to become dependent again?

Case in point:  the car seat.  All my kids have gone through a stage of "I DO IT!  I DO IT!  I DO IT!!!" while they try and buckle their car seat and you can't touch or help so you just have to stand there and impatiently wait while most likely running late.  And if you do help then you get to listen to a tantrum all the way to your destination.

And then?  Once they have finally mastered buckling their own car seat and you appreciate that that is one less thing you have to do to get somewhere....  "I can't do it.  You do it."

Getting dressed, putting shoes on, feeding themselves... same story.

Why?  It's a good thing, right?  To help us hold on to our babies a little bit longer?  It's a blessing, right? 

Right??  (Help me see the good in this!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Babysitter and the Fairy Baby

Yesterday morning I got up at six to nurse Dallin, then put him back in his crib and went back to bed hoping for a little more weekend sleep.  Within about five minutes I heard all four kids awake.  But then I heard Sienna get Dallin out of his crib and take him into the kids room where they all played for quite a while.  What a good babysitter Sienna is becoming!  Eventually I heard from her, "Mom, you gotta come see this!"

So I hurry in to see
Too funny!

I'm grateful for...

Recently I re-read Elder Holland's General Conference talk titled "Because of Your Faith."  To me it was a lesson on gratitude.  I was inspired.  So in honor of the season...

I'm grateful for our old van that carried us back and forth to Utah several times.  I'm grateful that the engine and transmission were dying, so that we were motivated to buy a new van (complete with working door handles!).
(saying good-bye at the dealership)

I'm grateful that we had been saving money to remodel our kitchen, so that we didn't have to go into debt to buy the new van.  I'm grateful that our kitchen fund now sits on four wheels, so that we can continue to enjoy our childrens' "Art Mowzeum" (which would be replaced by counters/cupboards/shelves in the remodeled kitchen).

I'm grateful that we heard a funny rattle sound in our "new" used van right after we bought it and took it to the shop.  I'm grateful that we're getting a brand new engine in our used van, and that it's covered under warranty.

I'm grateful for our really good friends, the Lindemanns, who have loaned us their car for the past few weeks so we have room to drive our family around.

I'm grateful that our oven is broken, so that I could learn to use our solar cooker a little more.  I'm grateful for our really good friends, the Watsons, who helped us identify and find the broken oven part.  I'm grateful that it arrived this weekend (and hope it works!).

 (Picture from last summer)

I'm grateful when things break, so I can realize and remember how blessed I am.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Pictures

Last night we got some photos taken of Dallin at six months.  He was hilarious!  The photographer and her penguin were totally doing the trick - he could not stop giggling.  It was contagious.  He's been sitting up for a couple weeks now, but still kind of wobbly now and then.  He was laughing so much he kept tipping over.  I wish you could hear a picture.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Pics

It was a Happy Halloween.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

So... how big is YOUR leaf pile?

 I came home from picking up Colby from a birthday party and asked how Dallin was doing.  Bryan replied that he was pretty happy, up until he tried taking a picture of him in the leaf pile.  I wonder why?

Can you find Sienna?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Break

For Fall Break we went with our good friends the Lindemanns to St. Joseph Peninsula State Park in Florida.  It is an awesome campground on the beach.  I've never combined a camping trip with a beach trip, and I was a little apprehensive about it.  But it was terrific!  The weather was perfect, the beach was beautiful and deserted since it was off-season, and the campground was great also, among palm trees and long leaf pine trees.  We'd take a short boardwalk to the beach, spend several hours there, then head back for the fun of camping.  The only downside was the abundance of mosquitoes in the morning and evening, but nothing a little bug spray couldn't handle.

The Lindemanns brought our kids' bikes as well as theirs, so they got some good bike rides in also.  On one bike ride, one of Colby's training wheels fell off and he didn't even notice.  So after a couple practice loops around the campground with Dad, he's now training wheel free.  Woo-hoo!

I love the way my friend Nathalie put it, "The beach is everybody's babysitter."  So true!

Excuse the pink hat.  We've lost Dallin's.

Dallin's first touch of the ocean.  Not too thrilled about it.