Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Beep, beep, beep!

A few weeks ago during Family Home Evening we talked about fire safety. We practiced running outside to our safe meeting tree when we heard the smoke alarm. I think we only did it three times that night. But that's all it took to get stuck in Ashley's head.

A few nights ago the alarm on Bryan's stopwatch went off during dinner. It beeps for a minute, unless a button is pushed. While everyone else was doing the "beep beep dance," Ashley was looking around in panic. She started pointing to the hall where the smoke alarm is, then pointing to the window (meaning outside). Pretty soon she started crying and struggling to get out of her high chair. Eventually we realized she thought it was the smoke alarm and we were supposed to run outside!

Then last night Bryan's watch did a single beep at the top of the hour. Again Ashley panicked, started crying and tried to get out of her chair.

I don't think Ashley has a clue about the danger of fire. But now she definitely has a fear of beeps!

Ashley, begging for milk at the fridge.