Friday, November 19, 2010

Why is it...?

Why is it that after kids struggle and struggle for independence and finally achieve it in some area, they want to become dependent again?

Case in point:  the car seat.  All my kids have gone through a stage of "I DO IT!  I DO IT!  I DO IT!!!" while they try and buckle their car seat and you can't touch or help so you just have to stand there and impatiently wait while most likely running late.  And if you do help then you get to listen to a tantrum all the way to your destination.

And then?  Once they have finally mastered buckling their own car seat and you appreciate that that is one less thing you have to do to get somewhere....  "I can't do it.  You do it."

Getting dressed, putting shoes on, feeding themselves... same story.

Why?  It's a good thing, right?  To help us hold on to our babies a little bit longer?  It's a blessing, right? 

Right??  (Help me see the good in this!)


Kerilee Law said...

I totally hear you on that one. That is Savannah to a T. We're still working on getting JT INTO the independent stage, sadly.

mrs t said...

So true! And it drives me crazy!