my Dad emailed me this:
"After I saw those photos I had a very strange dream last night that your children accompanied me on my travel to work and I couldn’t wake them up between flights but had to cart them around like carry on luggage. They stayed asleep all during the travel, but they were so limp they kept falling out of their seats and I was admonished by the stewardess to keep my grandchildren off the floor in the aisles. Because I had to keep moving from one to the other to put them back into their seats I never got any sleep myself. Good thing because when the terrorist sprang from his seat to cause havoc I assisted the sky marshal in subduing him and the kiddies missed the whole thing.
Very strange. I never remember any of my dreams but I woke up from that one thinking it had been real and wondered where I put all the children."
Today during lunch Colby said something to the effect of...
"Last night I dreamed that my foot was really, really big and it stretched all the way to Grandma's chair at Grandma's house."
Then this afternoon he was "helping" me shape bread dough into loaves. I let him do a small loaf on his own and he wanted to do more. I told him I would do the rest because they were bigger loaf pans so you need bigger hands. He said, "No I want to! I can have big hands!!"
What a cute, big footed, big handed boy.
(I love the bright red bushes in my backyard during the fall!)
And lastly, doing laundry is just so much more enjoyable with this guy for company.