Monday, September 13, 2010

She's doing it again

I should have been suspicious when we were picking out school backpacks, and Sienna didn't even look at the princess backpack that was right at her level.  But last week when I learned she was embarrassed to drink out of her old princess water bottle at soccer practice, I realized it.  She's growing up.  Again.  Despite repeated requests and demands to stop.  Sheesh.


Here are a few sayings we've heard around our house lately:

Ashley: "Bummit" (Bummer + Darn it = Bummit; Actually this was over the summer, we haven't heard it lately, which makes me sad.  I think it's a rather cute expletive.)

Colby: "Shoot it!"  (Not referring to a sport.  This is also an expletive.)

Sienna: "Come ON!" (Said with proper emphasis and 6 year old attitude.)


Royce said...

And growing taller! Look at those long legs!

mrs t said...

Love the sayings, especially "BUMMIT!"